Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 001

01/January/2015, Day 001.  Thursday.

Happy 2015 One and All!!

Welcome to a new year of the continuing adventures of Old Sweaty Grump, Incredible Sweetie, Kuya and Dodong, (the Wonderkids), and Lola, with occasional appearances by Grandma and Grandpa, and Angel.

Today was rather subdued for us, as both Grump Kuya, (particularly Kuya), were fighting a stupid sinus infection type crud.  As I'm writing this, (a bit after noon), Kuya is still sleeping, after being up for only an hour or so this morning.

Sweetie is tired too; she is laying on the sofa, watching a cooking show on the Food Network on TV.  Meanwhile Lola is busy, busy, busy, cleaning in the kitchen, washing dishes, taking out trash, sweeping the hallway, cleaning up the bathrooms .... whew!  Just writing about her makes me tired!  Sweetie insists that this is NOT how things usually work around the house, with her laying about while Lola works, but I now have evidence to the contrary!


So as the day went on, Kuya seemed to feel worse and worse.  He didn't even want to eat any of the freshly baked soft pretzels we bought at the mall.  This concerned Sweetie; she insisted we stop shopping, and take him to the doctor.  This was probably a good decision, because on the way to the doctor's office Kuya barfed.

He vomited all over himself and his car seat.  Yuck, yuck, yucky!  Sweetie and Grump cleaned him up as best they could, then the three of them sat in the doctor's office for more than two hours, (yes - 2 hours!), while they waited for the doctor to see Kuya.

Fortunately nothing serious is wrong with him; he apparently just has a virus.  But it was quite a frustrating afternoon/evening for the family!

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