Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 169

18/June/2015, Day 169.  Thursday.

It was actually a nice day today, hot but not as hot as the past few days, and it even rained and cooled off in the evening.  Dodong took a fall on the hard tiles of the entry way, but other than a little bruise near his left eye he came out just fine.  Lola and Kuya ate McDonald's hamburgers for dinner, while Grump and Sweetie had burritoes from Chipolte grill.  (Dodong ate baby food!)

So it SHOULD have been a pleasant day, and it mostly was, until Grump started to open and pay bills after getting home from work.  To make a long pathetic story short, once again we can't pay off our credit cards.  We just keep spending more than we earn.

The sorry state of our finances put Grump in a foul mood, and he was mean to everybody the rest of the night, particularly Sweetie.  When Sweetie misplaced her cellphone he said he was glad, and severely critisized her for losing it.

Way to go, Old Grump!  Way to make everyone around you as miserable as you are, you pathetic old jerk!

Anyway ..... Grump is quiet now, so we're gonna go to bed.  Goodnight all!

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