Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 286

13/October/2015, Day 286.  Tuesday.

Dodong was up early, 3:00 am, crying because of teething pain.

As you would expect, Grump and Sweetie are VERY tired tonight.  One of the difficulties with being tired is that it's so easy to get into a fight.  Sweetie gets frustrated with the kids, asks Grump to do something, and eventually, no matter how trivial the task, Grump explodes with anger.  Ugh!

The parents are in foul moods, Dodong is crabby and fussy, and even Kuya is hyper-whiney.  So .... rather than focus on a cranky, tired family*, how about checking out this website, which has some pretty cool posts:  http://www.jamesaltucher.com/ .  I don't agree with everything he writes, but his posts are all thought provoking, which is more important anyway.

Goodnight all.

* - note that this does NOT apply to Lola, who is her normal, wonderful, non-complaining self.

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