Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016/Jan/05 - Blah!

It was a rough day for the Old Grump, as he hardly slept at all last night.  The dinner Sweetie made, (delicious pompano fish and rice), didn't settle too well with his tummy for some unknown reason, and then once he did fall asleep, (in the wee hours of the morning), Kuya began to awaken, and bounce around.

Such is life sometimes.


1. Would you rather lose all of your hair or all of your teeth?

Fortunately most folks, (78%), would rather lose their hair!  Having no teeth is a drag!

2.  Have you ever peed in a sink?

Hell yeah!  I'm a guy; I've peed in places you don't want to know about!  But disturbingly only 35% of folks said "Yes", which makes me think more women than men answer these polls.

Spenglish del día:

Tengo muchas resoluciones para este año.  I won't keep a damn one of them, but at least I made them!

Las mujeres hacen grandes animales domésticos.  Las mías es fáciles de mantener.  Dales un montón de arroz, y sólo les lanzar una cabeza de pescado de vez en cuando.  (And hope they don't read Spanish!)

Pics of the day:

An old pic, (Dodong is still a post-birth embryo), of Dodong, Sweetie, Grump, and Kuya on Grump's Cubicle Wall 

Grump's College, Big John, the .Net Man

Peace y'all!

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