Thursday, February 11, 2016

2016/Feb/11 - Another Day

Another day rolls off into history, and the unchanging, (really?), past.

We all survived.  At times life is a struggle; at other times it's a joy.  Today was leaning more towards the "joy" side, but not completely there yet.  After all, there is one more workday before the wonderful weekend.

Dinner was bitter melon and egg, over rice, topped with unsalted roasted pumpkin seed kernels.

Yummy, yummy!
It was all washed down with a glass of unfiltered grape juice.

WonderPoll of the day:  Do you ever talk to your dog or cat?

78% of the respondents answered "Yes", while 17% admitted they did not have a dog or a cat.  5% are odd, claiming they never speak to their pet.  Good grief, then what's the point of having one!!


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