Friday, September 16, 2016

2016/September/15 - Surviving Work

Oh my gosh, has work become tedious this week!  The client Grump works for has apparently gone brain-dead, and keeps revising the project requirements over and over and over and over and .....

Neither Grump nor either of his two co-workers did a damn thing today, other than sit and wait for the clock to reach 5:00 pm.  Our pinhead manager will have a fit if we leave one minute early, so starting at 4:53 or so we just watch the clock tick, tick, tick until it hits 5:00 pm, at which point all three of us shut down our PCs and walk out the door.  Pathetic!

So what is Columbus Georgia like at 5:00 pm?  For all inquiring minds who yearn to know the answer, here are some pics from the parking lot Grump took yesterday as he was leaving work.

Pretty boring, huh?

Now to be fair, the place where Grump works isn't in the greatest part of town.  In fact, a huge jail is just across the street, with clusters of 24 hour bail bond places down the block.  Hopefully this isn't a spot you'll be visiting anytime soon!

Back home, Kuya had another good day at school, (hooray Kuya!), and did very well at karate class.  Dodong is teething, (poor guy!), Sweetie is surviving, and Lola is picking up all the pieces of our chaotic life and trying to keep them together.


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