Monday, November 28, 2016

27/November/2016 - Peaceful Sunday

It was a peaceful, mostly restful Sunday, even if Kuya did inexplicably awaken at 5:00 am, and proceed to wake up everyone else.  (Grrr!!!)  But Grump and Sweetie were able to get a short, (all too short, unfortunately!), nap later in the day, so they weren't totally sleep deprived.

You may wonder what the boys did early in the morning, once they finally got Sweetie out of bed.  Dodong played in the morning sunlight, while Kuya played with his iPad.

Dodong investigating sunlight

Kuya with his face stuck in his iPad, where it tends to be more often than not

It was a bit chilly in the morning, so when Sweetie and Grump went out to do some chores, Sweetie bundled up:

Sweetie prepared for Arctic Blasts

Remember the pics of the cold-damaged squash vines from Thanksgiving?  Lola was able to harvest two squashes from them.

Two squashes from our garden, along with some calamondins
The calamondins in that picture are from the calamondin trees that have been marooned in our garage, where with luck they'll survive the winter.

Sunday always has a touch of sadness to it, because Grump has to pack to prepare for his long drive to work in the wee hours of Monday morning.  Today Dodong decided to help him pack.

Dodong helping Grump pack his suitcase

Finally, we added a bit to the Christmas lights we put out yesterday:

Our Christmas lights

Peace, y'all!

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