Thursday, November 3, 2016

31/October/2016 - Halloween!

Wooo!  It was Halloween!  Wooo!

To help celebrate Halloween, Grump took the day off.  Since he was in town, he decided to go to the DDS, (DMV? Offices of Bureaucratic Fussiness?), to get his license renewed.  And guess what?  The DDS is closed on Monday.  Phooey!

So having nothing else to do, he drove around the area just south of downtown Macon for a bit, and took these pics of some weird old abandoned building.  (You know how Grump loves to take photos of odd things!)

Speaking of abandoned, remember how great Lola and Sweetie's gardens are doing, even now?  Well, here is a pic of Grump's "garden":

Pretty sorry, huh?  I guess Grump hasn't had the time and/or inclination to do much gardening this year.

For lunch, Sweetie and Grump went to the fabulous FOJ:

Sweetie at FOJ

Grump at FOJ.  Notice how his eyes disappear when he smiles!

FINALLY the evening arrived, and it was time to put on our costumes and go trick-or-treating.

Kuya, Sweetie, and Dodong  (Note that Lola, in the background, is NOT in a costume!)

Sweetie, Dodong, and Kuya

We walked ALL around the neighborhood, and got tons of candy.  Now the trick is to keep the boys from eating all of it in one day!

Peace y'all!

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