Saturday, February 27, 2016

2016/Feb/27 - Saturday! Hooray!

It's Saturday!  Hooray!!

In our yard, the plants are struggling to return to life after the coldness of winter.

Daylilies awakening from winter

While Sweetie and Lola's garden beds will soon burst forth into foliage and flower, Grump's garden beds are still in the "planning stages":

This is SUPPOSED to be a Garden Bed!

Time will tell if the "Resurrection Fig" survived and will come back this year.

Is the Celeste Fig still alive?

Kuya spent most of the day playing on the iPad.

Dodong played with blocks on the floor:

Hi Dodong!

Sweetie and Lola cooked:

Watch out for that Frying Pan!

Sweetie does the Wacky Dance

It was time to harvest some calamondins from our calamondin tree, which is still taking refuge from the cold weather in our garage.
Sweetie harvesting calamondins
Today was Mama Sue's birthday.  Mama Sue is one of the nicest people in the universe, so she had lots of guests wishing her a "Happy Birthday!"

Birthday Celebration at Mama Sue's House

Sweetie and Kuya participating in the dancing

Finally, Kuya made a cute little paper puppet.  He says it is a self-portrait.

Kuya's Self-Portrait


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