Tuesday, September 20, 2016

2016/September/18 - Same Clothes Sunday

This morning Sweetie insisted that we all go to church, as we haven't been for several weeks.  The most exciting part of which was that Dodong and Kuya wore identical, (or nearly so), outfits:

The boys in their matching outfits

Boys will be boys, so before heading off to church they had to play some, ruffling up their clothes a bit.

But Sweetie did eventually herd all of us into church:

Kuya, Sweetie, Lola, and Dodong going into church

Not to say that the boys were entirely quiet once we got into church.  Kuya did a little "shadow dance" in the corner until Sweetie dragged him off to the children's room.

Kuya preparing to dance

After church, Kuya's friend Mr. B and his little sister came for a visit, along with several Filipina ladies.  Kuya and Mr. B sequestered themselves upstairs, where they worked on a joint MineCraft video.  (At least I think that's what they were doing.)

Mr. B and Kuya

Working on MineCraft


Meanwhile, the women clustered in the kitchen and chattered away in Bisaya, while Old Grump hid in the bedroom and uploaded videos to YouTube.  You can see some of the videos he uploaded here, if you're curious: https://www.youtube.com/user/kjohnz001 .  (More to come, he says!)

We then went to bed early, since Grump has to wake up before dawn tomorrow and drive halfway across the state to his job.  (Which he must keep to support this circus!)


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