Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 014

14/January/2015, Day 014.  Wednesday.

It was another chilly, overcast day in central Georgia, that just seemed to get colder as the day went on.

The big news was that Kuya and Dodong's bunk bed finally arrived this afternoon.  The delivery guys got here around 2:00 pm to take it upstairs and assemble it.  Old Grump had to leave work early to pickup Kuya after school, as Sweetie was busy supervising the bunk bed installation.  Kuya was pleasantly surprised to see Grump at school!

After dinner Sweetie decided to change Dodong's diaper.  This is usually a relatively uneventful act, but tonight when the diaper came off she found wet poop all over his bum, up his back, and smeared around to the front of his body!  By the time Grump had responded to her cry for help some poop had even dripped onto the sofa, which Lola had to clean.

Grump carried Dodong into the bathroom and stood him up in the sink, while Sweetie removed his poop stained clothes and began to wash him.  But Dodong wasn't finished creating excitement; he began to pee on Old Grump!  So poor Old Grump wound up with poop on his hands and pee on his shirt and pants.

The final excitement was a quick trip Sweetie and Grump made to Dillards to buy mattress covers for the new bunk bed mattresses.  As it so happened, Ralph Lauren towels were on sale at a heavy discount, and you know you should never pass up a good deal!  By the time the spending was complete another $200.00 had been added to the Dillards' credit card, and Grump was fussing and eager to go home.

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