Saturday, January 3, 2015

So How Are Things Going, Old Boy?

If you've read my latest posts, you know that in the last few days I've been suffering with another bout of nasty sinus crud that my fat old body seems irresistably prone to picking up.  If you want to waste five or ten minutes, read on and listen to me whine about how this sad state of affairs came to be.

On Friday, December 26th, the day after Christmas, (as if you didn't know that!), the four of us, Ronelin, John, Thomas and me, drove down to Jacksonville, (actually Atlantic Beach), to visit my parents.  We had a good meal Friday night, followed by a good night's sleep, and then a nice breakfast Saturday morning.

By Saturday afternoon Thomas was acting fussy, and feeling warm.  As the day went on he got worse, so we gave him some infant tylenol, which seemed to help.  All then seemed well, until that evening.

Once we were in bed, Thomas began to cry.  He cried and cried and cried and cried and cried and cried, ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT!  Ronelin got no sleep at all; I got about 2 hours in fifteen minute increments here and there.  In the wee hours of Sunday morning we decided we needed to get him home, so we made an early phone call to my parents, then set off for home about 6:00 am.

Fortunately Macon has a really good after-hours pediatric doctor's office, so we were able to get him medical attention once we got back home.  It turns out he had an ear infection.

To make the drive from Jacksonville to Macon on very little sleep I had pumped myself full of caffeine, (energy drinks mostly).  Unfortunately I was still all jacked-up when we went to bed Sunday night, so for the second night in a row I got very little sleep.

Monday was a work day for me, so I had to drag my sleep deprived fat old body out of bed and slog off to work.  By Monday afternoon I was starting to feel unnaturally congested, with a nasty tingling in my throat.  By Monday evening I was sneezing and coughing and doing my best to produce gallons of snot.

I didn't sleep much Monday night either.  Even though I was dead tired, the stupid sinus troubles, (coughing, unable to breathe, snot running down my throat, pounding headache), managed to keep me awake for large chunk of the night.  Tuesday morning I was a wreck; I had to call in to work sick.

So that's how I've been this past week.  I'm living on Mucinex DM, Ibuprofen, and Vitamin C at the moment, waiting for this crud to go away.  It might be a long wait.  Once my body catches one of these sinus nasties, it jealously holds onto it for weeks and weeks, as if reunited with a long lost lover.


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