Friday, January 16, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 016

16/January/2015, Day 016.  Friday.

Grump made it through the night last night without taking any codeine!  Unfortunately he didn't sleep too well, but he does have some more good news to report: his tooth didn't hurt nearly as much today as it did yesterday.  Hooray!

Kuya went to a special arts-and-crafts session after school today, and made all sorts of neat and cool things which he brought home.  Sweetie, Dodong, and Lola were just their usual wonderful selves.

We had Bible study tonight, so we are all up later than normal.  

Poor Grump!  For the past two years now he has been trying to find a stable online site to post articles to, and make a little money in the process, but all that he has gained has been disappointment.  Either the site is a scam, or pays practically nothing, or over time just fizzles away.  Now he is in the process of copying all the articles he wrote to one of his websites,  It's still a work in progress, and will probably remain so for quite a while.

Boys and girls, if you have any interest in writing articles, write them for your own site, either a free one here on blogger or, or on your own webpage.  Trying to make money writing articles for others is a futile pursuit!    

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