Tuesday, May 16, 2017

11/May/2017 - Surviving Thursday

Grump's grumpy boss was out of the office today, (she'll be gone tomorrow too - woo hoo!), so he had a pretty mellow day at work.

This made the old guy about as happy as he gets:


Walking around the apartment complex, he came upon this gardenia bush in full bloom, aka "gardenia scent blast".  Gardenias are interesting bushes.  Sometimes they smell really good, but other times they are so strong they are overpowering.  Many years ago Grump once made the mistake of cutting some gardenia blossoms in full stench and bringing them into the house.  Headaches ensued for all of us.

A pretty gardenia bush

But if you leave gardenia blossoms outside, where they belong, they smell quite nice.  If the odor is too strong, just back up a bit!

What I will never understand, as long as I live, is why folks plants those downright foul smelling Bradford Pear trees.  Ugh!!


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