Monday, September 14, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 257

14/September/2015, Day 257.  Monday.

Well, it's over.  Kuya is officially withdrawn from Tattnall.

We expected a bit more resistance from the Tattnall staff, but they were nice and polite.  The amount of a refund to expect was patiently explained to us, and we were told the check should arrive in two weeks.  (Another "check in the mail"!)

Once all this was finalized, and we were driving home, Grump and Sweetie almost cried.  Tattnall has been a "bright spot" for us here in central Georgia, and it just breaks our hearts that it didn't work out for Kuya.  We hope and pray that the Montessori school works out, but we are a bit concerned with its nontraditional classroom structure.  We'll just have to keep a very close eye on him, and be prepared to switch schools again if necessary.

Later in the day we tried to get the estate papers from the lawyer notarized and signed, but we couldn't find any place that would notarize and witness a trust document.  Our bank sent us to the county courthouse, where we were sent to yet another bank, who in turn suggested another alternative .... a funeral parlor!  I'm not sure what to do now; I guess we'll have to wait until we visit Grandma and Grandpa in Florida again, and get the documents signed there.

In the early evening Kuya found a baby rabbit hiding in our garage.  Although we should have strangled the little rodent, since it will probably ravage our beans next year, we all felt bad for the little critter.  Grump scooped it up in a box, and released it in the woods behind our house.  Good luck little bunny!

Then after dinner, Kuya added the final touches to a mostly bummer of a day by vomiting up his dinner all over the kitchen floor.  He had awoken us all very early this morning, (for the second day in a row - GRR!!), claiming to be "very hungry".  Since he couldn't hold down his food tonight he'll probably awaken us yet again tomorrow morning.  Ugh!

I suppose we should all go to bed early tonight, in preparation for an early morning.  Goodnight all!  

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