Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 287

14/October/2015, Day 287.  Wednesday.

Well poop!  We already broke our agreement and ate out at a restaurant tonight, spending almost $65.00 on a meal that wasn't really all that good.  We did this because both Sweetie and Grump were tired, again, (Grump did not sleep very well last night, and managed to keep Sweetie up as well), and for some reason, (probably having to carry a fussy Dodong), Sweetie's back was hurting today.  So Grump decided Sweetie needed a break, and in the process our agreement got a "break" too!

It's been really nice weather here in central Georgia recently, at least when it is not raining.  The evening temps are dipping into the mid-fifties, (that's fahrenheit, which would be about 12 celsius), which SHOULD be very pleasant sleeping weather.  Just why Grump isn't sleeping well is a mystery.  (Guilty conscience?)

On a different subject, I have to say this, since I've been picking on the guy a lot recently.  "The King" went and apologized to the parents of the young man he stabbed recently, (apparently this "stabbing" was not as severe as I had  assumed), and even went to the young man, apologized, and asked his forgiveness.  Could this be a turning point in The King's life?  Maybe he will get his act together, and become a good husband and father?  Let's pray for him, that somehow he can work it all out.  He's not a stupid person, just lazy.  But that behavior can be changed.

Speaking of lazy ..... Grump is laying about with the top button of his pants undone, because he is too fat now to fasten them comfortably.  Time to lose weight, Grump!

And time now for us to go to bed.  Goodnight all.

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