Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 062

03/March/2015, Day 062.  Tuesday.

This lack of sleep is getting ridiculous!  Grump was so tired he couldn't function well at work, and made several very stupid mistakes.  Sweetie seems to be holding up better than him, but then she doesn't seem to need much sleep anyway.

So what's new then?  Who knows?  We're wandering about in a haze, and probably are missing all sorts of wondrous happenings due to fatigue.

Grump's best friend, The Green Angel, called last night.  He's been going through a bit of a funk recently, so why not wish him some good vibes.  He could use it!

Despite all the tiredness, Sweetie cooked a fantastic meal tonight.  It was a jackfruit stew/salad, (unripe jackfruit is more of a veggie than a fruit), with silverfish cakes.  Yum, yum, yum!!

I guess that's it for today.  If you have time, check out these personal finance blogs.  They are inspiring!





And by the way, if you ever feel YOU have it so tough you won't ever be able to financially secure, please read Sandy's life story:  http://yesiamcheap.com/i-grew-up-poor-and-survived/ .



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