Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 035

04/February/2015, Day 035.  Wednesday.

Grump did NOT wake up coughing so violently that he barfed last night.  Hooray!!  The world is once again safe for democracy.

To accomplish sleeping through the night without incident, Grump had to hit the codeine again.  In fact, since he was still coughing this morning, he took some of the drug enhanced cough syrup before going to work, which made his morning very interesting, to say the least.

Dodong seems to be getting over his illness, but, disturbingly, he still has what appear to be a few hives.  The problem with stupid hives is that just a few can very quickly turn into quite a lot, and then a whole body infestation.  Allergies are not something to play around with, as you never can be certain that they won't suddenly send your body into shock.

So we're still concerned about and praying for Dodong.  Sweetie is to inform Grump the very moment his hives get the least bit worse, and then they would take him to the doctor.

Speaking of Sweetie, she still has her illness, and now her right shoulder is very sore, from Dodong sleeping on it the past four nights.  It's tough work being a Mama!

Lola and Kuya and doing fine.  Kuya is doing exceptionally well at school at the moment.  He's only in Kindergarten, so it's too early to really tell, but if he keeps his academic edge as he gets older, he'll be in the top 10% of his class.  Hooray!

By the way ..... what lunatic came up with the spelling for "Wednesday"?  Was it one of those deranged medieval scholars who put the silent and useless "s" in island?

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