Friday, February 13, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 044

13/February/2015, Day 044.  Friday.

Kuya had a fun Valentine's party at school today.  He brought home lots of candy, which he, Sweetie, and Lola did their best to dispose of!

In yet another effort to make a dollar or two online, Grump and Sweetie paid for access to ClickBank University a few days ago.  Sweetie reviewed some of the training material today, along with a really good personal finance site that Grump sent her a link for, Mr. Money Mustache.  Hopefully with a renewed interest to avoid unnecessary expenses, and a bit more income, Grump and Sweetie can climb out of the debt hole they've dug themselves into.

Grump had another quiet day at work, which is fine with him.  In a few short weeks he'll be the on-call "victim", so it's best to get some rest and relaxation now while he can.

We're all sleepy, so we're gonna go to bed early tonight.  Good night, and sweet dreams!


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