Monday, February 9, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 040

09/February/2015, Day 040.  Monday.

I swear this damn cold/crud/allergy/flu/crap-from-Hell is gonna kill Grump yet!  Just when I thought he might be getting over it, he started coughing again tonight.  Aaaaahhhh!

Anyway .....

Today was a cool day for Kuya, because after school he went to Valentines Camp.  He made a cute Valentines crown, and some yummy candy coated marshmallow lollipops.  

Today was also a cool day for Dodong, because he learned to clap!  Now we can say, "Clap!", to him, and he will clap along with us.

Sweetie seems to be getting over her cold nicely.  The amoxicillan must be doing its wonders for her, because for the first time in more than a year her nose isn't dripping.

Lola has been coughing and sneezing a bit, but she's tough; she'll fight this cold off without any medicine.

As for Grump ..... ugh!  As he feared the amoxicillian doesn't absolutely nothing for him, other than give him diarrhea.  His nose continues to clog, snot still drips down his throat, and he is beginning to cough, cough, cough again.   Poor, pathetic Grump!

There's not enough time in the day!  Grump and Sweetie want to sign up for the new Clickbank University online training that is being offered, but Grump can't seem to find the free time to invest in it.  Maybe he and Sweetie will have to do it on the weekends only?

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