Monday, April 20, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 110

20/April/2015, Day 110.  Monday.

Today was Grump and Dodong's day to feel under the weather.  Grump felt queasy and dizzy at work, (and wanted to take a nap), while Dodong felt ill and fussy, (and did take several naps).

For dinner tonight Grump took Kuya to Panera, where Kuya had macaroni and cheese, and chocolate milk.  The two older boys enjoyed their time together, even if Grump was a bit grumpy.  (So what else is new?)

Grump is fighting with YouTube at the moment, trying to figure out how to get it to consistently work on all our computers.  It appears the ONLY way to get the silly site to work is to view it through a browser that has the Adobe Flash plugin disabled.  Weird, huh?  What is especially odd is that other sites require that plugin to be turned on, and work just fine with it.

Since there's so much illness in our family right now, (Kuya is still moaning about one ache or another), I'm going to bid you a quick "Goodnight" and get in bed myself. 

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