Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Day in a Year in a Life / Day 363

29/December/2015, Day 363.  Tuesday.

Today Grump's brother and his family stopped by for a visit.  They are currently living in London, England, but were nearby, (Atlanta), for the holidays, so they drove down to see how Old Grump and his family are doing.

Whilst waiting for the relatives to arrive, Sweetie captured what I think is a cool pic.  First the setup: Grump was threatening to toss a ball at her.

Watch out!
He did eventually toss it at her; Sweetie managed to capture the ball in flight as it sailed through the air.

Kuya, Grump, and Dodong, as the Ball Flies!

Cool, huh?

Anyway, back to less geeky pursuits, the relatives arrived, and pics were taken!

Aunt Jenna, Uncle John, Z Man, Kuya, Dodong, Old Grump, Princess L., and Chloe
Old Grump got lucky, and posed with Chloe
Aunt Jenna, Kuya, Dodong, Z Man, Grump, Princess L., and Chloe

The Kids, (Princess L., Chloe, Dodong, Kuya, and Z Man), with Lola hiding in the background.

It was a pleasant visit.  Kuya especially enjoyed it, as Z Man showed him how to setup and play MineCraft.

After the relatives went home Grump and Dodong took a nice nap, then it was time to go ....... SHOPPING!!  Grump and Sweetie went over to the Riverside Mall.  Sweetie bought a nice blouse at Talbot's, (using the gift card she got for Christmas), and a pair of tights at Belks.

Now it is late, and we must all get ready for bed.  Goodnight all!

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