Monday, October 10, 2016

08/October/2016 - Saturday!

Saturday!  Hooray!

The boys ate breakfast bright and early.

Dodong enjoys turning his food into "soup":

Sometime after breakfast, a tired and frustrated Sweetie ordered all three boys to get "out of the house". So they went to Amerson River Park in Macon, where they could walk around and play at the playground.

Kuya and Dodong gazing at the river

Hold on to that Dodong

At the playground

Once we were on a main trail, Dodong wanted to run.

Kuya trying to keep Dodong from running

We held on to him for a while, but eventually let go, and the little guy took off running!

Dodong running
 He ran and ran and ran ....

..... until he was nearly out of sight!

Can you see Dodong in the distance?

Kuya and Old Grump had to run REALLY HARD to catch up with him!

Kuya finally catches up with Dodong

After that workout, (the trail was a half-mile loop, and Dodong ran most of the way!), we were tired, so we went home.

After the boys rested a while, we decided to go to Juliette, Georgia, home of the Whistle Stop Cafe, to get a late lunch.  (Lola, who can be fussy about "American food", likes their fried pork chops.)

It was pretty busy in Juliette today, probably because the weather was so nice.  We puttered around while we waited for a table at the cafe.

Grump, Dodong, Kuya, and Sweetie

Waiting to be seated

Dodong checking out some of the local accommodations

Finally we got a seat inside!

Kuya and Lola

Sweetie and Dodong

The food was yummy, as usual.  After our meal we headed back home with very full bellies.

After that feast dinner was very light.  We finished the day with an ice-cream treat at Macon Swirls.


P.S.  -  If you just can't live without MORE pics of Amerson River Park and Juliette, Georgia, you'll find plenty more of 'em here: .

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