Thursday, December 29, 2016

25/December/2016 - Christmas!!

Christmas day finally arrived!

Some of us were more eager to get out of bed than others.

Kuya attempting to get Sweetie out of bed

Dodong still snoozing

Santa showed up overnight, and ate the cookies we left for him:

The milk and cookies left for Santa were gone!
Squeak Elf went back to the North Pole with Santa, and won't be back until sometime after Thanksgiving next year.  We'll look forward to seeing the little guy again.

The kids got LOTS AND LOTS of gifts this year.  (Probably too many gifts, but they'll live through it.)

Look at all these gifts!

Lola watching over the gift opening

Which one to open first?

All the gifts are open!
Playing with the new toys
Kuya reading his minecraft books

After opening all the gifts, and giving each one a preliminary "play test", it was time to eat the gingerbread house we made yesterday.

Dodong was the gingerbread house demolition expert!

Then it was back into the teepee, (one of the gifts), to stress test the new toys some more:

Kuya and Dodong in the teepee

Dodong got a bouncy ball riding toy as one of his gifts.  It was a hit!

Dodong and his bouncy ball

He also enjoys some "soft" building blocks.  These blocks are made of a sponge-like material, and hopefully won't hurt as much when he throws them.  (Dodong LOVES to throw things!)

Dodong building with his new blocks

It was a busy, busy day, and by mid-afternoon some of us were very tired:

Lola and Dodong taking a nap

As things quieted down, we were able to return to our normal routines:

Sweetie playing Candy Crush Saga

We hope all of you had a Merry Christmas too!


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